If you are charged with certain indictable offenses, there is a diversion program - Pre-Trial Intervention in New Jersey, aka PTI. With PTI, you might avoid prosecution.
A defendant’s charges will be dismissed entirely upon the successful completion of Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI).
How do I take advantage of PTI?
When you appear in New Jersey Superior Court for your case, you will have the opportunity to make a petition to apply for PTI. Your PTI application will be reviewed by the County Probation/Criminal Case Management and the County Prosecutor’s Office. This review will consider certain statutory requirements to decide if you are a good candidate for the program.
Who is eligible for PTI?
Usually, a defendant is eligible for PTI if they have no prior record, have never participated in a diversion program, and are charged with a third- or fourth-degree crime.
However, you may not be eligible if you are charged with drug distribution, weapons, violence, and sexually-based offenses.
If you are charged with first- or second-degree crimes, you are not eligible for PTI.
In addition to the degrees of your offense, eligibility requirements also include:
The accused is considered likely to complete the program successfully;
The accused was never granted diversion or an offense previously, including conditional discharge; and
Consent by the Prosecutor of admission into Pre-Trial Intervention.
What is the point of PTI?
Pre-Trial Intervention in New Jersey is to help defendants in certain circumstances where the accused is considered likely to be rehabilitated and is not likely to re-offend.
Depending on the facts of the case, the PTI terms can be anywhere from 6 months to 3 years long. In addition to PTI admittance, you may be required to maintain employment, commit to drug or alcohol testing/counseling, community service, or other conditions. If you violate any conditions of your PTI, your original charges will be brought back and put on the trial calendar.
Seeking Pre-Trial Intervention can help get your charges dismissed and result in no criminal record. If you are charged with any of the following crimes, you should look into PTI:
Possession of cocaine, marijuana, heroin, or other drugs
Terroristic threats
Prescription drug offenses
Aggravated assault
Exploring all possible options when charged with a crime can make or break your punishment and even your future. Please call me if you have questions about this blog, or need help with your criminal matter.