If you have a criminal record in New Jersey, you likely know you may face educational or employment consequences. It is possible to have your record expunged, aka expungement, so your arrest or conviction will not show up on background checks.
How do you know if you are eligible for an expungement?
If you have been convicted of a crime, or even if you were arrested and never convicted, your criminal record could impact your educational opportunities or job prospects.
Under New Jersey Law, you may be able to expunge your record:
Record of Arrest
Municipal Ordinance Violation
Misdemeanor Convictions (Disorderly Persona Offenses)
Felony Convictions (Indictable Offenses)
Juvenile Record
Drug Offenses (under 21 years old)
The Expungement Process
The rules governing expungements in New Jersey are complicated. Applications have to be made to as many as 12 different state government departments to get the record entirely expunged. It is not an easy process and can become frustrating.
Depending on the nature of the offense you were arrested for or convicted of, you may be eligible for expungement right away, or you may have to wait up to ten years. A criminal attorney may be able to help you determine if you should apply for an expungement. Let’s discuss your situation and available options.