If you face assault or harassment charges in a domestic context or have been served with a domestic violence restraining order, you may have to deal with severe consequences. You could be looking at possible jail time and a permanent criminal record. And, under New Jersey’s Prevention of Domestic Violence Act, you could be barred from returning to your own home, prevented from seeing your children, and even have your firearms seized and possibly permanently forfeited. Accordingly, domestic violence charges in New Jersey have a major impact on your life.

You can be accused of domestic violence by your spouse, partner, ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, parents, children, roommates, and others who meet the definition of a “victim of domestic violence.”

Given the nature of the relationship between the parties involved, defending against domestic violence can be very complicated, especially if you are going through a divorce with the accuser. 

If you are facing charges or any of the following, you should seek legal help:

  • Simple Assault

  • Harassment

  • Terroristic Threats

  • Temporary Restraining Order (TRO)

  • Final Restraining Order (FRO)

  • Violation of a Restraining Order

  • Dismissing a Final Restraining Order (FRO)

  • Setting Bail in a Domestic Violence Case

  • Weapons/Firearm Forfeiture

If your accuser applies for a restraining order, you will need to appear in the Family Part of the County Court. Law enforcement or your accuser can file a criminal complaint against you. Depending on the severity of the allegation, this complaint will either be addressed in the town where the alleged conduct took place or transferred to the County Prosecutor’s Office, determining whether it should remain at the Superior Court level.

Again, as a defendant in one or both of these scenarios, the legal ramifications and collateral consequences that may result if not handled properly can be life-altering.

Speaking to an attorney can give you insight into your options for the best possible outcome. Please call me if you have any questions or if you face domestic violence charges in New Jersey.

Arthur G. Margeotes, Esq

Arthur G. Margeotes, Esq. is a criminal defense attorney in New Jersey. 

Experienced in the criminal defense of both adults and juveniles, Art also handles DUI (Driving Under the Influence) and motor vehicle violations in municipal courts. 

Art represents parties in domestic violence cases from the initial phase through settlement or litigated hearings, often in conjunction with related criminal charges.

An approved attorney for the New Jersey State P.B.A., Art represents law enforcement officers in criminal, administrative, and employment cases. 

Art’s 28 years as a criminal prosecutor in the Essex and Passaic County Prosecutor’s Offices has given him the rare ability to develop an in-depth knowledge of the intricacies of criminal law.  His extensive trial experience has honed his skills. He has directed numerous investigative units and has prosecuted complex criminal cases involving governmental corruption, white-collar and financial crimes, organized crime, homicide, narcotics, insurance fraud, adult sex crimes, and child abuse.

Throughout his career, Art has worked jointly on investigations with numerous law enforcement agencies, including The Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.), The United State’s Attorney’s Office, Immigration and Custom’s Enforcement (I.C.E.),  Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms (ATF), The Office of the N.J. Attorney General, N.J. Office of Attorney Ethics, N.J. State Police, County Prosecutor’s Offices, and Local Police Departments.  As a result of his vast and varied experience, he has developed relationships with prosecutors and law enforcement and has earned an impeccable reputation before judges.

*The Supreme Court of New Jersey has approved no aspect of this advertisement. See Award Methodology

